

Resilience through the Arts

in partnership with the IIP

What can incarcerated or formerly incarcerated artists and poets tell us about Resilience? How can art bring change to those who are impacted by the Criminal Justice System?

arts4society partnered with the Institute for Innovation in Prosecution at John Jay College and other important US organizations on a remote art series and 5 podcast episodes about Human Resilience & Criminal Justice Reform.

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Three events were scheduled for the Remote Art Series from April 23 to May 21, 2020. Given the shelter-in-place measures related to Covid-19, these sessions took place on Zoom. The first chapter featured the reading of poems written by formerly incarcerated men and women. The second one was a conversation with Aimee Ng, curator at The Frick Collection, around a painting selected by her to embody resilience. During the final session, each participant wrote an “I am” poem and made a drawing, with a view to exploring how art can create bridges and build community.

More info

On this occasion, arts4society created a podcast series of 5 episodes about Resilience through the Arts. The series features excerpts from the Remote Art sessions, as well as conversations with poets, artists and people committed to using the arts to promote the voices of incarcerated men and women, and help transform the Criminal Justice system.

Listen to our podcast




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